Traffic building at Port of Tauranga

At least 11 ships are waiting to dock at Tauranga Port amid ongoing delays in Auckland.

An image from Ship Finder provided to SunLive highlights the traffic of anchored ships currently waiting in the harbour.

Port of Tauranga have confirmed that these ships arrived late to Tauranga due to being delayed in Auckland and that the port was currently working beyond capacity.

“We are managing large volumes of import and export cargo diverted from Auckland,” says Port of Tauranga communications manager Rochelle Lockley.

“At the moment our container terminal is operating at more than 100 per cent of capacity, with more than 5,300 imported TEUs, twenty foot equivalent containers, waiting for rail transfer to Auckland.”

The Port confirm that they are working closely with KiwiRail to try and source additional train capacity in order to clear the backlog.

They also explain how it is currently peak export season and that whilst they are processing arrivals as quickly as possible they will not compromise safety to rush them through.

“So at the moment we have container, bulk kiwifruit and log vessels waiting to berth,” says Rochelle.

 “Our team members and our service providers are doing an amazing job in processing these huge volumes of cargo in very challenging circumstances and we thank our customers for their patience.”

Source: SunLive